621 Altamont Street | Muskogee, OK 74401

The Muskogee Public Schools Transportation Department strives to transport our students to and from school and activity trips in as safe and efficient a manner as possible to help provide an atmosphere to enhance the educational opportunities of all students.
Bus Route Information
Log in or register online at myridek12.tylerapp.com or download the My Ride K-12 app from the Google Play Store or the Apple App Store.
Please reference the Parent User Guide below to register/log in.
Please note: You will be promoted to enter your students ID number for security purposes. If you are the parent of multiple children enrolled at MPS, all routes will be shown regardless of which student I.D. number you use to login to the system. If no route information is available, it is likely because your child lives within 0.5 miles of their school and no transportation is provided or a change of address is needed, if this is the case, please contact the transportation department at 918-684-3730.
Locate Schools Near You
You can now easily find the schools in your area! Simply enter your home address into the provided link, and it will display all the schools nearby.
Transportation Staff
Garett Davis, Director
Jerome Jones, Dispatcher